Course Description

Lindy Johnson
Course curriculum
Setting up for Success
Check In
Module 1: PBL 101
Video: Introduction
Getting to Know Each Other
PBL Readings
PBL Knowledge Check
Video: PBL and Deeper Learning
PBL Readings, part deux
PBL and Deeper Learning Readings (optional)
Module 2: Understanding by Design
What is UbD?
The Three Stages of Backwards Design
Deepening Learning with Understanding by Design
From Big Ideas...
Share Your Ideas: Learning Goals
Additional Resources (optional)
Unit Plan Template
Module 3: Best Practices in Mathematics Instruction
How do you Help Students Make Sense of Mathematics?
Problems, Talk Moves, and Supporting Students' Strategies
Supporting Students' Strategies
Additional Resources (optional)
Share Your Thoughts: Best Practices
Module 4: Best Practices for Literacy Instruction
How Do We Learn?
Gradual Release of Responsibility
The "I Do, You Do, We Do Strategy"
Focus Lessons
Using Think Alouds
Introduction to Using Mentor Texts
Using Mentor Texts to Teach Writing
Using Mentor Text in Writer's Workshop- 1st grade and Kindergarten
Guided Instruction
Collaborative Work
Independent Work
Additional Resources (optional)
Share Your Thoughts: Best Practices
Module 5: Developing a Vision for Your PBL Experience
Video: Introduction
PBL Draft Discussion and Feedback
Drafting Your Project Focus
Essential Questions
What Makes a Good Essential Question?
Sharing Your Ideas: Essential Questions
Module 6: Beginning with the End in Mind
Video: Introduction
PBL Assessment Map
Video: Embedding Assessment Throughout the Project
Share your exhibition “vision board”
Video: Identifying and sequencing key understandings and skills
Video: Choosing assessment activities
Sharing Your Ideas: Assessments
Midpoint Check-in
Module 7: Designing an Entry Event for your PBL Experience
Video: Introduction
Video: Starting with a Bang!
Entry Event Exploration
Sharing Your Ideas: Entry Event
Module 8: Making Student Work Public
Video: Introduction
Public Exhibition at High Tech High and Beyond
Criteria and Models for Showcasing Student Work
Video: The Challenges with Student Exhibitions
Preparing for Public Exhibition
Share Your Concept
Module 9: Designing Learning Experiences
Video: Introduction
Video: Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
UDL Graphic Organizer
Sharing Your Ideas: Learning Activities
Complete Your Design Template
Module 10: Making Space for Reflection
Why is Reflection Important for Deeper Learning?
Consider Different Approaches to Teacher Reflection